I teach recreational gymnastics on Monday and Wednesday nights as a side job to teaching music in the classroom. I have this one boy in my class who is just the cutest thing in the world (it probably doesn't hurt his case that he has vibrant red hair). He loves Peter Pan (that's who he was for Halloween), superheros, and singing. I constantly catch him singing "Following the Leader" from Peter Pan or "Jesus Loves Me." Could he be any more sweet?! He is an excellent student, however, he has one problem. He has trouble with waiting to take turns. While this seems petty to us, I'm constantly having to remind him to sit down and wait his turn. This proves somewhat effective.
At one point during the class he ended up cutting in line. I decided to set him aside and talk to him about patience and what it meant to be patient and wait his turn. When I asked him what patience was, he responded with words that were clearly beyond his years. He said, "Patience means waiting even when you don't want to." I was so taken aback by the simple wisdom of his words and started to tear up a little. I probably will never forget his words.
I consider myself a pretty patient person. I mean, I work with children all day. I kind of have to be patient. Don't get me wrong, I can be extremely impatient if something doesn't go my way. Anyways, my student's words struck a chord with me in particular.
I've recently been a bit down about my relationship status. I see tons of people around me getting married, having kids, or just being in a relationship. I feel like I'm about 10 steps behind all of them. I feel like I have this intimate and personal battle that has to be "fixed" before I can be in a relationship with a woman. And I'm glad that God has shown me my desire to be in a relationship with a woman regardless of my past. However, I just feel like it's going to get in the way of any potential relationship I have in the future. And I get annoyed that it doesn't seem like anything is happening. I've been impatient. I think that God used that little boy's words to remind me of my own impatience. As much as I want to be in a relationship, I need to be much more worried about my relationship with God. It's not in my timing, it's in His. And I think that is something that we all forget on a daily basis. I can't know what God has in store for me. But I can trust that He knows what is best for me... even if I don't want to wait.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him;
Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,
Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath;
Do not fret- it only causes harm.
For evildoers shall be cut off;
But those who wait on the Lord,
They shall inherit the earth."
-Psalm 37:7-9